I visited Po Lin monastery (home of the world’s biggest Buddha) on Lantau island, HongKong last Fall. More than the megabuddha, I was entranced by the lilies that lined

the entrance to the temple.The scent was overwhelming, and a welcome reminder that spirituality and sensuousness need not be at odds. I determined that I would grow lilies at Yellow Bird – at Shambhala – and line the limestone causeway that sweeps up to the white tree. I ordered lots of white Casa Blanca lilies and got some oversized tubs.

I realized however that up at Shambhala they would get eaten by goats and deer, so they have had to be confined to the back porch. Today they started flowering.

No they are not native Tennessee flowers. In this case I don’t give a hoot. Their vanilla elegance and exotic fragrance transcend such concerns.