Some Events
Book session with theologian Catherine Keller, April
French Impressionist Boating Picnic, Summer 2012
Summer Solstice Party, 2010, 2012, 2014
Meditation Workshop, May 2017
(with Brian Treanor, Gerald Kuperus, Chad
Attenborough, Brian Schroeder, Bret Davis, Jason
Wirth, Bradley Park, Matt Carol)
Solar Eclipse Gathering, Aug 2017
Drum Circle, March 2020, Spring 2022
Open Day Sun March 19 2019
Sunday March 19, Spring Equinox Open Day!! 2-8pm
Come discover Yellow Bird Art Farm – The ever-developing environmental art and sculpture park in Woodbury TN. Feel free to come any time after 2pm, wander around and be inspired! Lots will be happening!
* 2pm on. Refreshments served in Shambhala Meditation Space (a round cob building).
* A group of ten sculptures – Passing TransFigures, created by David Wood and constructed by Leopard Zeppard – will be unveiled.
* 3-4:30pm. The heliotrope earthart installation “Awakening” will be collectively reassembled at the Peace Circle after extensive repair. Your help appreciated!
* Tour of YellowBird’s sculptures and visions 4:30pm with David. Including the just completed Inverted Bird Blind by Silvan Laan.
* 5-7pm Live Music! Leopard and Tom Foolery will play music among the artworks as they light up at dusk. And Robyn Taylor will delight us with her original songs.
* 6pm Bonfire, marshmallows and tunes into the evening. Drumming circle?
Come and enjoy this latest happening event in Cannon County. Check out all that has been created and the possibilities for more! GPS 260 Palmer Lane, Woodbury, TN 37190
Elm Dance 2016
Elm Dance at Yellow Bird
Full Moon Saturday June 2
Join us for an evening of inspiration, solidarity
and healing at Yellow Bird Farm, Woodbury at
the next Full Moon. We will begin with a potluck
dinner (6pm) – vegetarian food only please – and
then Angie Ott will lead us in the Elm Dance
around the lake at 8pm.
What is the Elm Dance?
It is a dance of planetary healing. Joanna Macy explains it like this:
“There is a circle dance we do in every workshop and class I teach, whether it’s on systems
theory, Buddhism, or deep ecology. We do it to open our minds to the wider world we live in
and strengthen our intention to take part in its healing.
Set to the haunting strains of a Latvian song, the Elm Dance took form in Germany in the
1980s, and in the early 1990s moved eastward to the areas poisoned by the Chernobyl
disaster [where] the dance became an expression of the will to live.
The dance began to spread and spread and keep on spreading, beyond all reckoning, with a
momentum of its own. As we began to realize, the dance gives activists and lovers of life the
world over a tangible way to feel their bone–deep commitment and their solidarity with each
other across the miles.”
What is Yellow Bird Farm?
Yellow Bird is David Wood’s wildlife sanctuary and future sculpture park. It was recently a
farm and is still home to a herd of very large and beautiful goats. A long drive through open
woods leads into a wide, bowl–shaped valley of rolling meadows and two lakes with trees on
the surrounding hillsides. Parking is in a grassy field.
Directions: At the west end of Woodbury, turn south on W.Adams (that’s RIGHT coming
from M’freesboro), then take the first right onto Sunny Slope Rd. After about 1 mile, after
Lee Estates, at the top of the rise, take a sharp left up our drive. A yellow bird swirling on a
wire near the road marks the drive. Keep on going for about ½ mile. Call David at # 615–308–
0262 if you need help.
What to bring: vegetarian food to share, flashlights, bug stuff, swimming stuff (optiona
Field Trips 2016
Kate Daniels brought her Creative Writing class out for a walking talking picnic October 2016

Jana Harper brought her Image and Text class out from Vanderbilt University’s Art Department for a Wordscape Installation, Fall 2014. The students split into small groups, selected words engraved onto cedar signs, and found suitable places to set them in the ground.